Take your time planning what you want on your board. This is your new life you are building and it all starts here!
Make sure you use words and pictures on your board to express your feelings. Feelings are so important when manifesting.
Check in with yourself - how do you feel about someone seeing your completed board? Is there any embarrassment or unworthy feelings going on? If so, they will need to be cleared as they will block you.
Refresh your board often as your manifestations come to life.
Decide what type of board you are going to work with. What is best for you - a physical or a digital board?
You can use your board to create the whole of your life or something specific.
You can create a board with others, for example, for home moving or holidays with family.
Putting a picture of you on your board powers up your manifesting.
Make it as attractive as possible so you will enjoy looking at it.
Each day visualise how it will feel to have those things on your vision board.
I hope you find these useful!
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