Complete Manifesting Mastery

Introducing my most comprehensive,
training to date, where I share EVERYTHING I have used to change MY life!

The Complete Manifesting Mastery

So you can live the EMPOWERED and EPIC life you deserve!

Amanda Tooke “The Angel Mystic”

If you are stuck with your manifesting you are going to love this.  If you follow what I teach in my most comprehensive training to date, The Complete Manifesting Mastery, it will give you all the tools to manifest in any area of your life.

Using the tools I share in Complete Manifesting Mastery, I personally have changed my life from living on benefits to running a multi 6 figure business and living in my dream house with my dream car on the drive.

Imagine having the power at your fingertips to transform your life into one you love.

It is the ultimate empowerment.

This really is for you if you are ready to push through and clear once and for all that has been leaving you stuck in lack and manifesting what you do not want.


I know it sounds like a bold claim, but I stand by it because I've personally walked the path and manifested the life of my dreams.

My success isn't based on luck; it's the result of dedicated inner work, eliminating blocks, fears, and limiting beliefs. The journey involved clearing my energy using simple yet powerful processes, and now,
'm ready to share these secrets with you.

This has meant I have been in complete alignment and manifested my latest huge manifestation in super-fast time.

I take pride in saying that I now live in a luxurious 5-bedroom home, close to family, complete with a new hot tub and a Range Rover Sport in the driveway. This reality seemed impossible during my days struggling on benefits and drowning in debt. My life changed when I realized the power to transform was within me, and I'm sharing those transformational insights in this comprehensive program.

It's time to rewrite your story and create a life beyond your wildest dreams!

This is for you:
If you want all the tools and know-how I use to manifest what I want
If you are ready to clear your blocks
If you want to advance FAST with your manifesting
If you are tired of things just now working out
If you know you deserve more
If you know what you want but you are struggling to get it
If you want to learn about manifesting and how to use it effectively in your life
This is NOT for you:
If you don't want to try something new
If you struggle with change
If you are not willing to do the inner work to make the changes necessary
The world has gone crazy right now.
The fear is real and has been spread around like wildfire. It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking you have no choice and being scared with the 'cost of living crisis'.

However, we do have a choice and we can choose to believe something different.

Amidst the chaos, remember that we live in an abundant universe. Embrace this belief, tap into it, and watch as abundance flows into your life.

I launched my business during the last recession, and guess what? It didn't hinder me. While the world may choose to soak in the fear that's being propagated, that doesn't have to be your reality.

Take control of your narrative and choose a different path. Refuse to be swayed — there's a universe of abundance waiting for those who believe and are willing to tap into it. Your manifesting journey  begins with the decision to reject the fear and embrace the abundance that surrounds you.

This is an abundant Universe we are in and there is more than enough of everything we need.

When you operate from a lack mindset – you get lack.

I am choosing to operate from an abundant mindset and guess what? That will allow for manifesting!

If you want to choose abundance too and be the creator of the life you want, you are going to love my brand-new lifetime access manifesting programme …The Complete Manifesting Mastery.

The beauty of this program is the ongoing support you'll receive; once you're in, you're in for life.

What I have to share with you in this training is GOLD DUST!

How It Works

This programme is for you if you are serious about transforming your life starting now! It is for you if you want to learn ways to manifest and learn new skills that you can use for the rest of your life.

What will that give you?  A new va-va-voom for life and your manifestations coming into your reality in record fast time.

There are so many resources, exercises and process for you to work on you, plus there is the support of the private Facebook Group.


Weekly LIVE Manifesting Clinics for you to go over any wobbles, celebrate your wins and share your favourite tools PLUS a dive into more manifesting tips!

The tools you will learn over the 12 weeks will be tools for life, giving you the blueprint to manifest what it is you have always wanted in any area of your life.

If you are ready to release all that is not serving you and call in what you want whether that is money, love, health, new home, new work, business, friends or family this programme will take your life to the next level.

It all starts as soon as you sign up as the first weeks module will be available to you via a members area on my website.

Each week a new module will be revealed to you, so you can continue to work on you.

The weekly modules will be a mix of video, audio and workbooks depending on the weekly content.

It will be a great place to connect with others doing the training too.

Complete Manifesting Mastery Content
Module 1 - The Fundamentals of Manifesting
  • Delve into the core principles of manifesting and how it happens
Module 2 - Clarity is key
  • Complete my Clarity Questionnaire and I will share with you how best to gain clarity
Module 3 -  Understanding your why
  • This module covers some simple exercises to help you drill down and speed up your manifesting.
Module 4 – The Biggest Game Changer!
  • I share with you THE BEST thing that will honestly sky rocket your manifesting.
Module 5 – Your Stories and Beliefs
  • Why do YOU have limiting beliefs and what to do about them.
Module 6 – Blockage Clearing Process
  • My Blockage clearing programme - when you come up against blocks (and you will!) you will have a complete process to dissolve them
Module 7 – Visualise it first
  • The importance of visualisation even for those who say they can't visualise!
Module 8 – Getting into Alignment 
  • This is really important and will help you manifest EXACTLY what you want.
Module 9 – The Bigger Picture
  • Let's have a look at what else is needed in the manifesting process.
Module 10 - Dealing with Negative Energy
  • We can all have Negative Nelly days but, in this module, I share with you how to flip that funk!
Module 11 - More Blockage Clearing 
  • Believe me, when you think you have cleared a block - another appears! This is ongoing inner work and ALWAYS worth taking the time to do!
Module 12 - Fun Ways to Manifest 
  • I will share with you how you can have fun with your manifesting!

  • I began to use my new skills to manifest small things as as I have joined the Complete Manifesting Mastery course, I am more focused and the big things are coming my way with ease.


  • Amanda is a truly wonderful Angel!

    Something guided me to Amanda and I haven't looked back .... I truly don't know where I would be without her amazing guidance.

    This course has been life changing and pulled me through some very challenging time! Amanda's enthusiasm is infectious together with her gorgeous sense of humour. How lucky am I to have found her!

  • Its been a pleasure working with you all and special thank you to the wonderful Amanda Tooke who has guided us all through good times and our wobbles! I have manifested money in many situations from both small to larger amounts. I even manifested time to squeeze in a short break for me and my hubby to visit our daughter. I will be driving a new car by the end of the month. I now feel calm, abundant, happy, prosperous, relaxed, and most of all grateful. Thank you Amanda Tooke for everything.


  • Have definitely recognised in where I’ve been going wrong in my life, the Manifesting Mastery has awakened me I’m going to embrace a more positive outlook banish my negative nellys, and stop worrying about things out of my control, will definitely bring more peace to my life which I can be greatful for 💜💜💜#manifest


  • Don't know what I would do without Amanda in my life! This course is and will be invaluable. It has helped me in so many ways and I have achieved things I never thought would be possible! Given me confidence and I now know anything is possible particularly when you have your angels to guide you! As the song goes 'Things can only get better' xxx


 Not only am I giving you access to my BEST manifesting programme for life and discounting it by £2,000,
I am also adding these bonuses valued at over £995! 
My 21 day manifesting programme to align your energy and get you working with the greater powers of the Universe. Each day there will be a video to watch to align your energy to your desires and help you manifest in a Simply Divine way. Manifesting doesn't need to be hard and forced. Simply Divine will break down what has been standing in your way, so you can become a powerful manifester. 
Valued at £199
My 21 day manifesting programme to align your energy and get you working with the greater powers of the Universe. Each day there will be a video to watch to align your energy to your desires and help you manifest in a Simply Divine way. Manifesting doesn't need to be hard and forced. Simply Divine will break down what has been standing in your way, so you can become a powerful manifester. 
Valued at £199
This will be really helpful to you as each time you hit a block with your manifesting you will be able to listen to this pre-recorded audio to clear it. I'm sure you will agree this will be priceless but retail value is
This will be really helpful to you as each time you hit a block with your manifesting you will be able to listen to this pre-recorded audio to clear it. I'm sure you will agree this will be priceless but retail value is
Everything is included in the manual to ensure you have a powerful and successful vision board that works. The creation of the vision board is so important and I will explain exactly what to do as it is far more than a cutting and sticking exercise. Successful manifester's have a vision board because they work. I will explain all the secrets so yours will too!
Valued at £150
Everything is included in the manual to ensure you have a powerful and successful vision board that works. The creation of the vision board is so important and I will explain exactly what to do as it is far more than a cutting and sticking exercise. Successful manifester's have a vision board because they work. I will explain all the secrets so yours will too!
Valued at £150
This comprehensive guide will help you with
those times when you struggle to visualise.

Valued at £99
This comprehensive guide will help you with
those times when you struggle to visualise.

Valued at £99
Clarity is so important when you put your order in with the Universe.
This guide will help you focus in on your clarity. 

Valued at £99
Clarity is so important when you put your order in with the Universe.
This guide will help you focus in on your clarity. 

Valued at £99
A guide to show you how to release your blocks using
the very powerful BREATHWORK

Valued at £99
A guide to show you how to release your blocks using
the very powerful BREATHWORK

Valued at £99
Go with me on a guided meditation to meet your future self
and get all the insight you need. 

Valued at £99
Go with me on a guided meditation to meet your future self
and get all the insight you need. 

Valued at £99
As an Activate Your Dream Life Training attendee,
I'm giving you £2,000 off!

You can access The Complete Manifesting Mastery it at a special price of £999
(less if you pay in full!) for a limited time and giving you life-time access. It usually sells at £2999.

PAY IN FULL BONUS - Price reduced by a further £100 -
The only decision you need to make to manifest the life you want is:
  • Option 1 - Pay in full at £899

  • Option 2 - 3 x monthly payments of £333 (Total cost - £999) - lifetime access when all payments have been made.

  • Option 3 - 12 x monthly payments of £88 (Total cost - £1056) - lifetime access when all 12 payments have been made. (Modules will be available monthly with this option)

PLEASE NOTE: Options 2 & 3 are payments plans and therefore non-cancellable.

The real questions you need to ask yourself are:
  •  How much are your dreams worth to you? 
  • How much is this knowledge worth to you?  
  • How much will this transform your life? 

  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
✔ £100 discount if you PAY IN FULL

✔ Content delivered weekly.

per month
✔ Content delivered weekly.
per month
✔ Content delivered monthly.

All prices include UK VAT at 20% - VAT No. 404691112

If you are ready to release all that is not serving you and call in what you want whether that is money, love, health, new home, new work, business, friends, or family, my Complete Manifesting Mastery will take your life to the next level.

Honestly what I am sharing in this is gold dust!
It will be intensive work and will require you to be all in and do what I will be sharing.

I would never expect any of my clients to do something I haven’t done or do.  I will be sharing willingly in this training and I am 100% all in for you to get the results you want.  I expect the same from you too.

So, get ready to learn how to co-create with the Universe and have exactly what you want in all areas of your life.
Here is what a few of my current Complete Manifesting Mastery
clients say about the programme:
"Just wanted to say that this course is amazing, I've learnt so much and the opportunity of being coached monthly with the chance of being on the hot seat is priceless. Gosh what clarity came after these sessions! Amanda really does know how to manifest and teaches what to do to stay on track. I'm so glad I decided to join the course, it's worth every penny."
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"I have found since working with Amanda that I am much better at coping with life, I have really learnt to step back and give myself more time and as a result am much more in control. I am seizing life instead of being a victim but most of all I am so happy and things have started opening up for me"
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"Don't know what I would do with Amanda in my life! This course is, and will be, invaluable. It has helped me in so many ways and I've achieved things I never thought would be possible! It has given me confidence and I now know ANYTHING is possible. As the song goes 'Things can only get better' xxx"
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Amanda Tooke

 I’m a Spiritual Teacher and NLP Manifestation Coach. Helping stuck, confused women create a spiritually connected and abundant life that they love.

I teach them to use Universal Laws and Energy to unblock their fears and limiting beliefs that have been holding them back. 

  • Spiritual Teacher
  • International Psychic
  • Author
  • NLP Coach
  • Hypnotherapist
  • Practitioner of Time Line™ Therapy
  • Reiki Master & Natural Born Healer
  • Writer for Fate & Fortune Magazine
  • Angels & Law of Attraction Specialist Guide
  • Creator of The MAP – Manifesting Abundance Process
  • Certified Business Strategist

I turn the “WooWoo” into “Woohoo”

Helping you create all the success and happiness you want in life.

Copyright © The Angel Mystic Ltd 2024